Fool’s Summer, Be Gone!

I’m getting really tired of Fool’s Summer, y’all. That is the state I’m living in right now. The temperatures are still very summer like (mid to high 80’s). It feels like summer.

“But Amy,” you say. “Isn’t summer your favorite? Shouldn’t this make you happy?”

No, friends, it does NOT make me happy. I like actual summer. Fool’s Summer is a cruel tease. Allow me to explain.

  1. Yes, the warm temperatures are nice. But since they’re not the norm for our season, they could go away AT ANY TIME with no notice. I could wake up tomorrow and it could be 60 degrees. I can’t bank on the weather to stay nice and warm.

2. The fact that the temperature could change at any time is confusing the heck out of my allergies. I always go through a little seasonal suffering when the weather patterns shift. Right now my body clock — which apparently has a little flip calendar to know that it’s September — says “okay, it’s fall now. Time for a sore throat and sniffles.” But then I feel the 80 degree weather and my body clock looks at its little calendar and is confused. “Hmm,” it says. “It clearly should be September. But it doesn’t feel like it. Should I turn off the sore throat and sniffles until it gets cooler? But no, then I’ll be behind schedule. And is the sore throat and sniffles based on the calendar, or the temperature? Or both? I’m so confused!” And so I’ve been going back and forth for weeks. One minute I’ve got a sore throat and sniffles. The next I’m looking to suntan…because those are opposites somehow. I think. My brain must be melting because of the heat. Did I mention it’s really hot for September? Moving on…

3. When I feel the summer temperatures, I assume that I still have the summer light. But I don’t. I come home from work and get some stuff done and think “I can go outside and lounge in my hammock now!” Except it’s dark. And it shouldn’t be.

There are more grievances I could air, but I think y’all get the idea. Does anyone know if there’s a god of fall who has been offended somehow? Can said god of fall be appeased? If it would help, I would send up some pumpkin spice incense right now. That’s something a god of fall would like, right?

What do y’all think? Are you ready for actual fall, or are you good to continue Fool’s Summer? Let me know what you think. I’ll be right here, googling ideas on how to summon fall while I sit under my ceiling fan.