Hello all. Yeah, it’s been a really, really long time. Because honestly, it’s been a really, really hard time. Little man has had multiple surgeries. We moved. I’ve joined the pregnancy loss club. Various family members have had numerous crises. My creative spark has been nonexistent for years. But recently something inspired me. I felt
Hi friends. I know, I know, it’s been a minute. Life has been crazy and I’ve been in survival mode. I’m really hoping to get back to writing soon. Now that I’ve gotten the apologies out of the way, it’s time for y’all to hear what’s been on my mind. Apparently it’s time once again
Recently I learned a valuable lesson: if you want to hurry things along at the doctor’s office, whip out your rack. Hear me out friends. I promise I’m not a pervert. There truly is a perfectly logical explanation for why I was letting it all hang out. My son, Little Man, was born with Stickler’s
Ever see DNA duke it out? No, I’m not talking about seeing a cellular fight club under a microscope. I’m talking about seeing parental influences clash within a person. Let me tell you a story about my son. The other day he was having trouble going to sleep, and I desperately needed him to take
Hello friends. It’s been a minute. As you can probably guess from the title, our baby has arrived. How am I enjoying being a parent, you ask? Tired. That’s what I would say to that. I’ve found that one word answer pretty much sums it all up. I am tired. There is nothing but tired.
Hello all. Sorry it’s been a minute. My life has been crazy. If I had to sum up what I’ve been up to in the last few months, it basically boils down to: Getting ready for the baby’s arrival. Avoiding the Deranged Mom Cult. While #1 has been exhausting, I’d say that goal #2 —
Hello friends. It’s been a while. Just wanted to see how everyone is doing and ask if anyone has written any operas yet. I don’t know about y’all, but I keep seeing these memes floating around Facebook talking about all these great achievements that happened during periods of isolation. Operas composed, novels written, that sort
Hello all. I’m using this week’s blog post to make some important announcements. Are you ready? Seatbelts fastened? Any guesses before I drop this bomb? Okay, enough stalling. Here’s the scoop, y’all. Yours truly is having a baby. So what does this mean for you, dear reader? A few things… I don’t think I can
Another short one this week, my friends. Let me tell you about my life these days: I got the flu and passed the time shouting at the TV. I wasn’t really mad at the TV, per se. I was mostly annoyed at the judgmental shade Amazon was throwing me when it kept asking me “are
A word of advice, my friends. Don’t give birth in a City Barbecue if you can help it. Not saying that I have given birth in a City Barbecue, nor do I have any plans to do so. I will tell you where this idea came from, though. One word: Tamiflu. I have been crazy