Month: October 2019

Trick or Treat(y)

Once again, Halloween has snuck up on me. And once again, I am having the eternal candy struggle. What is my struggle, you ask? It is the question as old as time…what kind of candy should I get? Let me clarify. I’m not asking myself what kind of candy I like. That’s easy. What I

Sweet dreams are made of…toilets?

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch, minding my own business, when suddenly… “MrrrwhirrrGRRR!” I looked over to see my cat, sound asleep on top of a chair (how does she sleep in such weird positions) making noises that could only be described as a cross between a whimper, a growl, and her “let me

Space Cat Saga: A Retraction

Hello all. I need to provide an update to my last blog post. A few days after publishing, The Cat was calmly standing in the living room when I heard the sounds of a cat fight. Said cat fight seemed to be coming from outside. So it would appear that The Cat was falsely accused

Boldly Going Where No Cat Has Gone Before

I can’t tell if my cat is a diabolical genius or just a jerk. The other night I awoke with a start at 2 AM when I heard the distinct sounds of a cat fight. I thought maybe I was just dreaming it all, but then I heard more cat fighting sounds, followed by my