Month: March 2019

Hey! Hey! She can pay!

Fair warning, y’all. If you happen to see me on the steps of the courthouse shouting protest slogans into a bullhorn, I can tell you who is to blame… …The server at Pappadeux’s. The Husband and I went on a short road trip to celebrate the fact that we had a free weekend. Plus we

Snakes, stereos, and revenge: A Saint Patrick’s Day story

Survey time, my friends. I’d like to know what Saint Patrick’s Day means to you. Is it (select an answer): A) An opportunity to honor Saint Patrick and his efforts to spread the message of Christianity. B) A story about a dude and some snakes in Ireland, and they became drinking buddies or something. I

What time is it? It’s fry sauce o’ clock.

Raise your hand if you’re confused as all get out. Perhaps you’re thinking “I’m confused — why is she asking me if I’m confused?” To that, I will respond with three simple words: Daylight. Saving. Time. Or maybe it should be standard time. What time are we in right now, anyways? I could Google the

Scenes From a NyQuil Coma

It’s another rough week for blogging, y’all. My illness continues to leave me couch bound. You would think that would be conducive to good writing, but no. I’m too doped up on cold medications to sentence good. *Dozes off for a couple hours and wakes up to the glow of the laptop* Oh, right. I