Month: May 2019

I am the bathroom whisperer

So remember last week when I was talking about needing to find a side hustle? And how most side gigs/work from home gigs would be a disaster for me? I’ve been trying to think of my unique talents and abilities to come up with business ideas. Tell me what you think. One unique talent that

Working hard for the money (and ketchup)

If I’ve learned one thing from my time on social media, it’s that everyone is supposed to have a side hustle. I was feeling lazy the other day and ordered some fast food to be delivered via DoorDash. My argument was that my foot hurt too much to hobble from the couch to my car,

Down For Maintenance

Hey all. I knew the time would come eventually that I wouldn’t have it in me to write something funny. Apparently that time is now. I promise I’m okay. But I need to take this week off. Short version — Mother’s Day sucks and it makes me sad. And Sad Amy can’t write. Well, let

Battle Stations (and bikinis) Ready!

We’ve officially reached that time of year where we are at war with our own house. It’s starting to get warm outside, which consequently makes it warm inside. But it’s not quite warm enough to merit turning on the air conditioning. Nor does the cheapskate in me want to do that just yet. On the