The Ballad of Stupid

Hello friends. It’s been a while. Just wanted to see how everyone is doing and ask if anyone has written any operas yet.

I don’t know about y’all, but I keep seeing these memes floating around Facebook talking about all these great achievements that happened during periods of isolation. Operas composed, novels written, that sort of thing. I think it’s supposed to be inspirational and motivate me to do something.

So far all it’s motivated me to do is wonder what sort of drugs were involved.

Maybe you’re having a different experience, but for me this whole social distancing/self isolation thing is making me super dumb and lazy. I’m struggling just to write this blog post right now and am strongly considering taking a nap before moving on to the next sentence.

I mean, I wouldn’t be mad at the universe if I suddenly was inspired to write The Next Great American Novel that could be turned into a blockbuster film, then a Broadway musical based on the film, then another blockbuster film based on the musical based on the first film, and then into a TV series, and on and on until I’m swimming in cash for days. I’ve got a kid on the way; I could use some extra dough. But — and I think said kid is partly to blame — I don’t seem to have the brain capacity to word good.

How has your experience been? Hopefully you have a few more brain cells than I do. And if you’re one of the essential workers out there still working hard, thank you and please stay safe. Now I’m gonna go crawl over to the TV and take a binge watching nap.