About Oh Fudge A Muffin
When I decided to create this blog, I knew I needed an amazing name. I had tons of ideas for posts. I knew what I wanted the blog to look like. I had a tech savvy husband ready to help me put it together. Everything was ready to go…
…except I couldn’t come up with a freakin’ title.
And it was pissing me off. I couldn’t understand why this was so hard. I just knew it was making me really, really mad.
“Oh, fudgeamuffin!” I blurted out in exasperation.
I first said “oh, fudgeamuffin” years ago when I was a teenager. Back then, I was a squeaky clean, goody two shoes, Princess of Awkwardness who had not yet embraced profanity. So one day I stumbled upon the makeshift swear word of fudgeamuffin. It was dumb. It was corny. But it was kinda funny.
Teenage Me also dreamed of someday writing for a living. That was the dream I had even before I could read. My parents have pictures of me in my crib with a pile of books. My first memory was looking at those books in my crib and making up stories to go with the pictures. For as long as I could remember, I wanted to tell stories.
But Teenage Me turned into College Me. And College Me graduated and became Young Adult, Saddled With Debt Me. And that me needed a day job to pay the bills. So I embarked on a career, first in higher education (which I loved) and then in social work (which I survived).
And then I became Unemployed, Slightly Older Me who was having her mid-life crisis a few years ahead of schedule. (What can I say? I’ve always been someone who likes to work ahead.) And I realized if I didn’t chase my writing dream now, I never would.
So I started writing, embracing my destiny as Queen of Awkwardness and cursing my inability to come up with a blog title.
But then when I blurted out “oh, fudgeamuffin” — I knew that *had* to be the title. It sums this whole blog thing up beautifully. It’s dumb. It’s corny. It’s kinda funny. And it’s my dream come true.
Check back often for more awkward goodness. Welcome to Oh Fudge A Muffin!