Happy Merry Calorie Day

It’s gonna be a short post today since it’s The Holidays. For me, today is about celebrating Christmas. Earlier this week I also celebrated Festivus. (The airing of grievances is my favorite part.) Later I’ll celebrate New Year’s. 

I imagine this time of year has some sort of meaning to many of you. Maybe it’s Christmas. Maybe it’s another holiday. Whatever you’re celebrating, I hope you have a marvelous time. I believe all of us, deep down, really want the same thing. Peace on earth, good will toward all, and calories. Lots and lots of calories. 

So I wish you a happy merry calorie day. May you enjoy whatever celebratory goodies correspond with your holiday of choice, and may they make a minimal impact on the scale later. 

I imagine next week’s post will be short and sweet as well, because holidays. And yes, I will still be celebrating calorie day then. And then I will hit the gym, because I have deluded myself into believing that a spin on the elliptical will cancel out everything. But we’re not gonna talk about that right now. Don’t want to spoil the festive mood. 

Best wishes to all!