Happy Birthday, Blog!

This week marks the one year anniversary of Oh Fudge A Muffin. The first post went live on February 6th, 2018. Which made me think…

…how does one properly celebrate a blog’s birthday?

Does it have a birthday? Or would it be more appropriate to call it an anniversary? Blog-a-versary? Are there cards for such a thing? Who gets the card? Do I make it and give it to myself?

Someone please distract me before I overthink this whole blog-a-versary thing too much.

Anyhoo, it’s been an interesting year. Here’s what I’ve learned thus far:

  • People really like reading about The Cat. Seriously. The most popular post ever as measured by total number of shares was one I wrote several months ago about what it’s like to work from home with a cat.
  • Sometimes The Muse is really generous and I can crank out a handful of posts in one sitting which require little to no editing.
  • Other times The Muse is really stingy and I spend weeks rewriting a single sentence.
  • Every time I think I’ve got The Muse figured out, she throws me a curveball.
  • Going on the road seems to inspire writing more than anything else, although again that’s not a guarantee (see previous statement about The Muse being hard to figure out). Perhaps I should start a Go Fund Me so I can travel all the time.
  • No, I shouldn’t. That’s ridiculous. Y’all have much better causes to support.
  • In case you were wondering, The Cat chose this moment of blogging productivity to start kneading my stomach.
  • And purring loudly.
  • Just kidding, now she’s sticking her face in between the couch cushions because cat.
  • I think the most reliable part of this whole process is that I know wherever I am, whatever I do, The Cat will find a way to get in my face.

Thanks all for spending a year with me reading my random writings. It’s been fun. I look forward to keeping y’all entertained for many years to come.

But first I’ve gotta get this cat out of my face.