Downward Facing Feline
Have you ever heard of goat yoga? Apparently, there are yoga classes out there where people actually pay big bucks to have small baby goats join them. Often when these classes are advertised with pictures of goats standing on people’s backs while they attempt some complicated yoga pose.
No, this is not the part where I tell you that I have tried goat yoga.
I did, however, find a yoga DVD that I had forgotten about in my video cabinet. It was advertised as AM/PM yoga. There was one routine that is designed to wake you up in the morning, and another that helps you de-stress at night. I thought this was an interesting concept. I decided to try the PM yoga as it had been a stressful day and I could use some relaxation before bed.
I learned that this DVD needed a warning label. Namely, it should say “warning — performing these poses will attract animals.”
No sooner did I put myself in downward facing dog did a certain feline come running underneath me.
“Dammit, cat!” I yelled. “You are really damaging my calm!”
The Cat continued to join me. I went into a seated pose, and The Cat jumped in my lap. I did some leg stretches, and The Cat wanted to sniff my feet. Eventually the instructor asked the class to lie down with their eyes closed and feel the energy of your heart (or something).
What I actually felt was a cat standing over me sniffing and licking my forehead, and staring right into my face when I opened my eyes.
So what did I learn from this experience? I am not sure where I stand on goat yoga. I’m not sure if having a goat stand on you would be more or less unnerving than having a cat staring into your soul when you’re trying to find your bliss. I imagine the PM yoga exercises do have the potential to relax you, but having a cat constantly trying to get under foot kinda lessens the relaxation a tiny bit. Next time I will have to put her in a different room. Unless my goal is to get riled up, then it’s Cat Yoga all the way.
What do you think about goat and/or cat yoga? Would you try it? Let me know what you think in the comments.