If there are any video game designers reading this blog, listen up. I’ve got an idea for you. As we all know, it’s Thanksgiving week. Which means Black Friday approaches. Yours truly has never participated in Black Friday for a couple different reasons: I like sleep too much to get up early, especially the day
I had a completely different idea of what I wanted to write about this week. Guess I’ll save it for another time. My sleep deprivation, however… …how was I going to finish that sentence? Oh. Right. My sleep deprivation has fried my brain and I’m too tired to be creative. And so that brings me
Hello all. Yours truly is currently down for the count. (I’m okay. Promise.) I foolishly thought, “hmm, maybe with spending a few days recovering on the couch I might be able to get ahead on writing.” I failed to take into account why I was spending a few days on the couch in the first
It’s gonna be a short one this week, y’all. I am confused as all get out about what time it is. The Cat is, too. I’ve heard lately that they are debates raging about abolishing Daylight Saving Time so that we don’t have this constant back and forth. I’m curious to know where y’all stand