Guess Who’s Back…

Hello all.

Yeah, it’s been a really, really long time.

Because honestly, it’s been a really, really hard time. Little man has had multiple surgeries. We moved. I’ve joined the pregnancy loss club. Various family members have had numerous crises. My creative spark has been nonexistent for years.

But recently something inspired me. I felt the call to write for the first time in ages. I knew the universe was telling me it was finally time to resurrect this blog.

What was this grand sign, you ask? A heavenly voice? A vivid dream?

Nope. It was my credit card bill.

“What the HELL is that?!” I shouted at The Husband.

He looked at the unexplained high charge on my card and said “that’s your blog.”

“Really? It costs that much?!”

“It’s a multi year subscription,” he explained.

So long story short, I’m still not feeling terribly inspired. But I know the only way to get back in the game is to actually try to get back in the game. So here I am. I can’t make any promises on how often I’ll write. Or that it will be any good. I can’t imagine anyone is actually going to read this either consider how long it’s been. I just know I’ve got to try.

Because my credit card must be avenged.