March 5, 2019
Scenes From a NyQuil Coma
It’s another rough week for blogging, y’all. My illness continues to leave me couch bound. You would think that would be conducive to good writing, but no. I’m too doped up on cold medications to sentence good.
*Dozes off for a couple hours and wakes up to the glow of the laptop*
Oh, right. I was trying to write something here.
I will leave y’all with a few random thoughts from my cold medicine comas and bid you good week:
- Netflix, why you gotta be so judgmental? Don’t ask me if I’m still watching after a couple hours. You know my sick butt isn’t getting up to do anything else. Just keep the shows coming and mind your business.
- According to my Facebook news feed, we already have approximately 1,376,292.25 people running for President in 2020. And that’s just in the Democratic party alone. I haven’t heard if anyone third party has shown up yet. Shoot, with this many candidates, we may even need to make a fourth, fifth, or sixth party just to sort them all out.
- Maybe I should run for President. I mean, everyone else is doing it.
- The Cat is enjoying all the down time. She has been sprawled out on my belly for days.
- Also, The Cat makes weird noises in her sleep sometimes.
- Maybe I should install a keypad on my front door so that DoorDash people could deliver food straight to the couch.
- Nevermind, that could get risky.
- I’ll just keep sending The Husband on food errands.
Being sick sucks. That is all. Have a good week everyone and I hope to be back in business next Tuesday. Until then, stay well. Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you cough. Drink lots of water. And may you binge watch to your heart’s content without getting shade from your streaming platform of choice.