Month: July 2019

Flaming Globes of Nonsense

I’m really frustrated this week, y’all. Two nights in a row, I’ve gone to bed with a BRILLIANT blog idea in my head. It starts rapidly taking shape. I’m laughing just thinking about it. I’m convinced that this idea is going to be my breakthrough, the thing that makes me Go Viral and appear on

Going for a ride on the Rage Cycle

It’s going to be a short one this week, y’all. I am exhausted. Our kitty is still working her way through the Rage Cycle. It’s something she goes through every time we go out of town and leave her behind. This one has been especially bad because we’ve had a few trips relatively close together,

No breathalyzer required

Fun fact about me. I have never had an alcoholic beverage in my life. But apparently I do know what it’s like to be drunk. I’ve never had to wonder what I’m missing by not partaking, because SEVERAL people in my life have told me I act drunk when I’m tired. I’ll let y’all be

A Very Special Blog Week Announcement

I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and what I want to do with it. I haven’t made any firm decisions yet, other than the announcement I’m about to make here. Okay, announcement is probably too strong a word. But I couldn’t think of a better one. It’s been a week. Anyhoo, so I’ve

The Frustrated Writer’s Tale

Listen y’all…I try not to be that person that brags about how she could do things better than someone else. But this week, I’ma be that person. Because The Handmaid’s Tale is driving me crazy, and I need to do something about it. To be clear, I am referring to the TV series. The book