Drop the Instant Pot and No One Gets Hurt
If there are any video game designers reading this blog, listen up. I’ve got an idea for you.
As we all know, it’s Thanksgiving week. Which means Black Friday approaches. Yours truly has never participated in Black Friday for a couple different reasons:
- I like sleep too much to get up early, especially the day after a holiday.
- I don’t really like shopping on a normal day, so having to get up early and battle some craziness really doesn’t make it any more appealing.
That being said, I do sometimes wonder if I’m missing out by not participating. I think it’s similar to my theory that going to concerts is an essential part of Living My Best Life. I do like the idea of saving lots of money on stuff, even if it’s stuff I don’t really need. I hear you can get some of the Black Friday deals online.
“Well, there you go,” says the logical part of my brain. “You can shop online and get the deals without the crazy. That sounds like the best of both worlds.”
“Yeah, well…” the nonsensical part of me replies.
“Well, WHAT?!”
“I mean,” she continues. “I’ve heard it’s kind of a rush.”
Logical Brain sighs. “Since when are you an adrenaline junkie?”
“I’m not,” Nonsensical Me says defensively. “But I do like a little thrill sometimes. I think it might be kind of therapeutic to shove some crazies around.”
“Yeah, really. It would be like that time I was in a mosh pit. I liked that.”
Logical Brain sighs some more. “I forgot you did that. But may I point out that pushing people in a mosh pit is socially acceptable behavior, while throwing down over an InstantPot could get you arrested. And you don’t want a rap sheet, do you?”
Now it’s Nonsensical Me’s turn to sigh. “I guess not.”
But then it came to me…
What I need is a virtual reality Black Friday experience. Picture it, my friends. You can strap on some virtual reality gear and be transported into the fray. (But at a reasonable hour, when you’re more well rested and therefore better able to tackle someone trying to take the last flatscreen TV.) And you can throw some punches and yell and scream to your heart’s content, and no one will arrest you.
I’m starting to think this could be really helpful after a hard day at work. Just come home and start delivering some shopper’s justice. Oh, you want to speak to a manager, Karen? Well, I’m your manager now! *delivers impressive roundhouse kick*
(Okay, that was really corny. Sorry. Maybe I wouldn’t make a great vigilante, even in the virtual reality world.)
Anyhoo, I plan on staying away from the stores, at least the brick and mortar ones. Online shopping might happen though. What are y’alls thoughts on Black Friday? Tell me about it in the comments. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!