Daylight Saving? No. It’s Paws Time.

It’s gonna be a short one this week, y’all. I am confused as all get out about what time it is. The Cat is, too.

I’ve heard lately that they are debates raging about abolishing Daylight Saving Time so that we don’t have this constant back and forth. I’m curious to know where y’all stand on this debate.

Personally, I feel that if the clock switching nonsense must continue, I would like to propose we add a thing called Pause Time. Namely, the day after the switch we all get to sit at home and be in a stupor while we figure this out. Essentially, I get to hit pause on all my responsibilities while I sleep and stare out the window and ask myself ten million times “what the $%#! time is it, anyways?”

Come to think of it, maybe we should call it Paws Time. I’m sure my cat would appreciate having me around while she adjusts to having her routine disrupted. (She is currently sitting on my chest purring while I type this post. I think that’s a vote for Paws Time.)

What do y’all think? Are you in favor of Pause/Paws Time? Do you just want to get rid of the whole thing all together? Share your thoughts. I’ll read them once I figure out what time it is.