Category: Uncategorized

Trick or Treat(y)

Once again, Halloween has snuck up on me. And once again, I am having the eternal candy struggle. What is my struggle, you ask? It is the question as old as time…what kind of candy should I get? Let me clarify. I’m not asking myself what kind of candy I like. That’s easy. What I

Sweet dreams are made of…toilets?

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch, minding my own business, when suddenly… “MrrrwhirrrGRRR!” I looked over to see my cat, sound asleep on top of a chair (how does she sleep in such weird positions) making noises that could only be described as a cross between a whimper, a growl, and her “let me

Space Cat Saga: A Retraction

Hello all. I need to provide an update to my last blog post. A few days after publishing, The Cat was calmly standing in the living room when I heard the sounds of a cat fight. Said cat fight seemed to be coming from outside. So it would appear that The Cat was falsely accused

Boldly Going Where No Cat Has Gone Before

I can’t tell if my cat is a diabolical genius or just a jerk. The other night I awoke with a start at 2 AM when I heard the distinct sounds of a cat fight. I thought maybe I was just dreaming it all, but then I heard more cat fighting sounds, followed by my

Fool’s Summer, Be Gone!

I’m getting really tired of Fool’s Summer, y’all. That is the state I’m living in right now. The temperatures are still very summer like (mid to high 80’s). It feels like summer. “But Amy,” you say. “Isn’t summer your favorite? Shouldn’t this make you happy?” No, friends, it does NOT make me happy. I like

Downward Facing Feline

Have you ever heard of goat yoga? Apparently, there are yoga classes out there where people actually pay big bucks to have small baby goats join them. Often when these classes are advertised with pictures of goats standing on people’s backs while they attempt some complicated yoga pose. No, this is not the part where

Toilet brushes and time travel

Many years ago, I watched a segment on “Unsolved Mysteries” about a phenomenon called missing time. Basically, there are people who claim that chunks of time — minutes, hours, sometimes even longer — just disappeared from their lives. And they have no reason to believe they had blacked out, nor were they under the influence

Beachside resort? I prefer Netflix and sleep.

I need a sleeping vacation, y’all. What do I mean by that, you ask? I mean I want to go to a hotel and do nothing but sleep. And watch TV. And read. And maybe go to the pool once in a while. Okay, so it’s more than just sleep. But the point is I

Too Y’OLD To Handle

A few months ago I wrote a post about feeling y’old. To be y’old is to live in a state of feeling both young and old at the same time, or to switch back and forth at a dizzying rate. Recently I found out that if I really want to fully experience the craziness of