I’m really frustrated this week, y’all. Two nights in a row, I’ve gone to bed with a BRILLIANT blog idea in my head. It starts rapidly taking shape. I’m laughing just thinking about it. I’m convinced that this idea is going to be my breakthrough, the thing that makes me Go Viral and appear on
It’s going to be a short one this week, y’all. I am exhausted. Our kitty is still working her way through the Rage Cycle. It’s something she goes through every time we go out of town and leave her behind. This one has been especially bad because we’ve had a few trips relatively close together,
Fun fact about me. I have never had an alcoholic beverage in my life. But apparently I do know what it’s like to be drunk. I’ve never had to wonder what I’m missing by not partaking, because SEVERAL people in my life have told me I act drunk when I’m tired. I’ll let y’all be
I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and what I want to do with it. I haven’t made any firm decisions yet, other than the announcement I’m about to make here. Okay, announcement is probably too strong a word. But I couldn’t think of a better one. It’s been a week. Anyhoo, so I’ve
Listen y’all…I try not to be that person that brags about how she could do things better than someone else. But this week, I’ma be that person. Because The Handmaid’s Tale is driving me crazy, and I need to do something about it. To be clear, I am referring to the TV series. The book
I think I need to build a beach in my backyard. It can be done. For my sweet sixteen, my mom ordered a ton of sand and had it dumped in the backyard. And I had an actual beach, and it was eventually glorious. I say “eventually” because it rained for the actual party. But
Want to try a little experiment this week. You know when you’re scrolling through Facebook and you see those posts that are you like “let’s see who actually reads my wall.” Sometimes they start by telling some outrageous story, and then you get to the end and it’s like “and if you’ve made it this
Anyone who knows me knows that I am forever woefully behind on pop culture. Technology, too. It takes me several years to get on board with new things. I don’t necessarily believe in past lives, but if I did I would guess I’m the reincarnation of a grumpy old woman who thinks that electricity and
It’s not every day that I feel like I’m living in a Monty Python sketch. But I did recently have one such day. One of my favorite sketches from Monty Python’s Flying Circus (yes, there’s more to Monty Python than the quest for the holy grail — educate yourself) is the Argument Clinic. Michael Palin
So remember last week when I was talking about needing to find a side hustle? And how most side gigs/work from home gigs would be a disaster for me? I’ve been trying to think of my unique talents and abilities to come up with business ideas. Tell me what you think. One unique talent that